“The single greatest advantage any company can achieve is organizational health.” ~Lencioni
“The quality of managers and team leaders is the single biggest factor in your organization’s long-term success.” ~Gallup
As a leader, do you know how to:
- Improve team cohesion, communication, and productivity?
- Effectively address tension or morale issues among employees?
- Enhance leadership skills?
- Create values-based strategic plans to guide your organization?
RJCG can help! We specialize in four interrelated aspects of organizational health:
Building and sustaining cohesive, high-performing teams
Resolving workplace interpersonal challenges
Improving leadership skills
Facilitating strategic planning & culture building
WHat makes us different
Unique Differentiated Leadership model, promoting optimal leadership skills through workshops & executive coaching
Certified PRINT® Coaching
Support for all levels of the organization, from individual contributors to executives
Experienced coaches/consultants
Ability to resolve employee conflict and restore trust and collaboration
Ability to address communication and roles in family/friend owned businesses
Team approach drawing on the collective skills of our consultants, with personalized service and tailored interventions
Needs Quiz
How healthy is your organization?
To assess your organization’s needs for consultation and coaching, take a short Needs Quiz by selecting the button below.
who we are
Rick Johnson, Ph.D., is a Licensed Psychologist, Certified PRINT® Coach, Executive Coach, Organizational Consultant, and Professor Emeritus. Rick has been recognized as Top Executive Coach by Coach foundation, one of the biggest names in the coaching industry.
RJCG Consultants are experienced Counselors/Certified PRINT® Coaches with a passion for helping individuals and organizations reach their goals.